Pizza Pauls: An Excellent Breakfast Choice for You

If you are bored of taking the same sugary bowl of cereal every morning and looking for something more delicious and healthier for your breakfast, we will recommend pizza Pauls.

We know your question – how can a pizza be a better choice than cereals? It is because pizza is more nutritious than your regular breakfast in many ways.  

A pizza slice is a good source of protein because it comprises almost 12gm of protein. Thus, if you eat an entire pizza, you get nearly 48gms protein that fulfills a big amount of your daily protein requirement. Likewise, it is a good source of antioxidant that protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. Besides, it is a good source of fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

By now, you must have understood why pizza is a healthier breakfast choice for you. However, one thing that may discourage you from making it your breakfast is the calories in it that can cause weight gain. This is nothing more than a misconception about pizza because the number of calories in one slice of pizza and a bowl of cereal with whole milk nearly the same. So, you can take one slice of pizza without any second thought. However, if you take more than one slice, then you should spend some time on exercises to burn your extra calories and get into shape.

However, you should keep one important fact in your mind that you should always consume well-cooked and heated pizza. Moreover, it should be hot when you are eating it. If your pizza becomes cold, you should first heat it properly because bacteria attack on a cold pizza.

One more important thing, you should not order pizzas for you from just any pizza restaurant. Instead, you should look for a trustworthy pizza restaurant known for its great quality. Also, before placing your order, you should tell them to send you a well-cooked and heated pizza.


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